
Friday, November 9, 2012

How to Develop an Executive Personality

The ability to develop a good executive personality and outstanding leadership derives from a number of qualifications that a man builds up over the years. He "grows into" them from long training and experience.

Here are some signs by which top management can predict, with reasonable safety, that a man with a given opportunity will rise to those characteristics which distinguish a good executive:

Sixteen Qualities of Executive Leadership

  • Good personality
  • Above-par intelligence
  • Wide experience
  • Good judgement
  • Originality
  • Keen mental attitude
  • Receptiveness
  • Stimulativeness
  • Administrative ability
  • Delegating ability
  • Teaching ability
  • Skillful human relations
  • Courage of convictions
  • Tenacity and perseverance
  • Long-range vision
  • Applied psychology

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Early Start in Life

At seven when most children are still fascinated by dolls and toy guns, Gwendolyn Brooks was already stringing verses. She scored her first triumph at 13 by selling a poem to  the American Childhood Magazine. But that was just her first step on the ladder of success. She had to slave for 19 years more before winning the most sought-after award among men of letters.

Which shows to prove that the younger one starts in life, the earlier one reaches his goal.

There is no such thing as genius without anything behind it. The greatest genius are the hardest workers. For life is a little growing. One must pass the different stages of life. Most of us must start from a small beginning and grow steadily on. It is only in digging a well that one has to dig from the top and work towards the bottom.

Child Portrait
Photo Credits

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Developing Your Friendliness

Friendship by jakerome
Friendship, a photo by jakerom

The man or woman with a friendly personality always has an advantage over the person with a dead-pan poker face and an indifferent attitude. In social life, in public life, or in modern business, it is significant that friendliness pays the biggest dividends. No matter what service you need, no matter what your goal in life, isn't it true that you always lean toward the individual with the smiling, friendly personality?

Friendliness leads to friendship, and friendship is the number one success factor in life. How many real friends have you? Can you count them on the fingers of one hand, or both hands? If you can equal that number, or go beyond it, you are fortunate indeed. Many people mistake acquaintances for real friends. While acquaintances are picked up here and true friendships are developed over the years.