
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Be Unique; Be Cool!

You can get along with everyone. Wherever you go and whatever you do, people are just about the same. They are no more difficult to get along with in one business or in one place than another. Every individual has his own problems, his own worries, his own interests and desires. All you need to remember is that the art of getting along with people imposes some personal obligations on you. You cannot afford to lose your temper; you cannot be a gossiper or rumor-monger; you cannot pass the buck to others and evade your own responsibilities; you cannot overlook the little courtesies and kindnesses that lubricate your many daily contact with human beings.

If you will, you can make a friend of everyone. Even your enemy can be converted. He in particular must be converted, for an enemy can do more harm you than half dozen friends can do to help you. A wise man once said, "The only safe and sure way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend." And in the process of trying to convert him, you will see many of your own faults, too, thereby making it easier for you to make him like you.


gagay said...

another nice blog here!

Drummer said...

really be cool ...

Admin said...

yes, true.. and it's nice to be important always, and it's important to be nice.. :)

Unknown said...

Net post! Thanks for sharing,JoAnn

pavani reddy said...

nice one...following u...

Chubskulit Rose said...

Agree. Just be true to yourself so everyone one else knows what they get out of you.

papaleng said...

Trulala. Just be yourself and keep your cool. Parang ako lang so dami kong friends.

Eileen said...

After reading your post, I remember my aunt's advice to me about how to deal with people who hurt me. She said the best way is to "Smile and kill them with kindness." Once you show your enemies that you are not affected by their hurting words and bullying, they will soon leave you alone.

Nova said...

Very well said, I do agree with you, if you be just yourself and act who you are...everyone will loves you.