
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Getting Along

In business, for example, you should certainly go out of your way to get along with the people who work with you or for you. No matter what echelon you rate, the workers below you are entitled to your constant thoughtfulness and consideration. You never know when someone in your department or elsewhere will come up with ideas or suggestions that may be extremely valuable to you. But only if you make him feel that he may talk to you freely. That is where a good personality enters the enters the picture and frequently decides the difference between good and bad human relations.

Photo Credits
When you talk to a man, give him your full attention and consideration. When you listen to his ideas, put some smiling pleasantness and interest in your manner. When you shake hands with a man, put some warmth, cordiality, and grip into the operation. Hardly anything so promptly lights the quick-burning fuse of a man's resentment as to receive a hand clasp that has the vigor of an invalided kitten, the geniality of a drippy fog and the spirit of a cold buckwheat cake. Make your handshake human and you will make a human being out of yourself in the process.

Finally, when an employee comes to you with a complaint don't listen with an attitude of bored resignation; put some human sympathy and understanding into your manner and let your kindly, genial, warm personality take over. Remember that, as the manager of the department or the top executive of the business, it is your outstanding personality that has helped you to build up your reputation for fair dealing and sympathetic understanding.

If managers would only learn to listen more feelingly and sympathetically to their workers and associates, we would see much less concern over human relations and labor relations, in business today!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Be Unique; Be Cool!

You can get along with everyone. Wherever you go and whatever you do, people are just about the same. They are no more difficult to get along with in one business or in one place than another. Every individual has his own problems, his own worries, his own interests and desires. All you need to remember is that the art of getting along with people imposes some personal obligations on you. You cannot afford to lose your temper; you cannot be a gossiper or rumor-monger; you cannot pass the buck to others and evade your own responsibilities; you cannot overlook the little courtesies and kindnesses that lubricate your many daily contact with human beings.

If you will, you can make a friend of everyone. Even your enemy can be converted. He in particular must be converted, for an enemy can do more harm you than half dozen friends can do to help you. A wise man once said, "The only safe and sure way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend." And in the process of trying to convert him, you will see many of your own faults, too, thereby making it easier for you to make him like you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Smile Can Change a Personality

Just take smile as an element of personality and analyze what it does. It makes for a pleasant atmosphere, and will usually secure a smile in return. It loosens the facial muscles and makes for relaxation, which is so essential to human relations. One who does not smile easily can and should acquire this specific. It may be necessary to get in front of a mirror and see what happens to yourself when you smile. The muscles of your face can be put under control and trained through practice to do your bidding. Try it and see!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Results of Good Personality

One of the outstanding results of a good personality is the ability to get along well and satisfactorily with your fellow workers, with your supervisors and executives, and most importantly with your customers! Stop right now and think it over -- isn't it a fact that the highest incomes and the most satisfactory jobs go to the individuals with the most favorable personalities? When have you seen a man or woman with an unpleasant, disagreeable personality in a position of importance?

Certain elements of personality may be more important than others. For example, consider this statement by Dr. J. Frank Dame, Head of Business Education, Florida State University. Tallahassee:

  Personality can and should be made a matter of attention for the individual. Personality is improved like most things -- through practice. It is something which evades specific definitions, but it is made up of many elements which include the way one talks, the way one looks, the way one walks, the way one smiles, and the very words one uses as well as mannerisms.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Being Satisfied

It may surprise many people to learn that the average age of the men who reply to self help advertisements is closer to forty than to twenty. But it is not hard to understand why this is true.
Most young men are satisfied with their progress in business. Their native ability and energy are enough to win them regular promotions and salary increases. They find success only a matter of time.
But then the day comes, often with a shocking suddenness, when this easy and casual progress ends abruptly. Many a man wakes up with a start in his thirties or forties to find that his income has leveled off and that promotions have ceased. “I’m not getting ahead as fast as I should,” he says to himself. “Where am I going to be ten years from now?”

The answer is simple: Sheer ability and energy can carry a man to the midway point in business. But only a thorough knowledge of a business fundamentals and the right kind of business personality can help him beyond point.
 What is the right kind of business personality? There is just one way to improve your personality -and that is, to work at it! Select th particular points on which you think you need improvement -and go on from there steadily and regularly. Time is of the essence – don’t waste it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The 14 Winning Steps

Every businessman who has attained success has learned, usually the hard ways, all about the Fourteen Major Steps to Winning Personality. He has learned that honesty and integrity are still in style and are the-top essential qualities. He knows that enthusiasm, attitudes initiative, human relations, and all the other pertinent qualities are vital links in the chain of success. Here are the Fourteen Major Steps for winning:

1. Character - A man's character is what he is inwardly, for character is the combination of qualities, traits and virtues that distinguishes the individual. It has been said that every man is three different individuals--the man he thinks he is, what others think he is, and what he really is. In the words of Hames: "A good character is, in all cases, the fruit of personal exertion. It is not inherited from parents, it is not created by external advantages, it is not necessary appendage of birth, wealth, talents or station; but it is the result of one's own endeavors." Each individual has his own distinctive qualities, and these qualities are what help to develop his reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. Just as George Washington once said: "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an 'honest man.'"
2. Enthusiasm - What is enthusiasm? The word is used so often that it has almost become interchangeable with excitement. And yet it also includes emotion, ardor, sincerity, eagerness, fervency, and intensity. "Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm," said Bulwer Lytton; "it moves stones, it charms brutes. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it." And to quote Bishop Doame: "Enthusiasm is the element of success in everything. It is the light that leads and the strength that lifts men on and up in the great struggles of scientific pursuits and of professional labor. It robs endurance of difficulty, and makes a pleasure of duty."

Let us beware of losing our enthusiasms, for a man who is full of enthusiasm about his work and his company can overcome a multitude of sins of omission and commission. A spirit of sincere enthusiasm will help a man over many a rough spot, and will carry on from one job to another. A man who is known for his enthusiastic personality is always in demand.

3. Grooming - Good grooming is a distinct promoter of a winning personality. A man's appearance is extremely important in this modern world, because people generally judge more from appearances than from reality. Everyone regardless of his station, affects a particular look and exterior, for a while all men have eyes, very few have the gift of penetration. There are so many details involved in good grooming that it is both unnecessary and embarrassing to mention them. Johann Kaspar Lavater said, "Dress is an index of your contents." To this we must add that famous line from Shakespeare's Hamlet: "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy. But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man." Those who think that in order to dress well it is necessary to dress extravagantly or grandly make a great mistake. Naturally, in contacting both your company associates and outsiders a good first impression is most important - you don't always get a second chance to correct a bad first impression.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Louis G. LaMair Statement About Personality P2

“Help yourself to what music has to offer – and help yourself.” Louis G. LaMair

Many workers are unusually sensitive and easily offended by unthinking managers. There are people who wear their feelings on their coat sleeves, where they are unprotected and a silly develop a jumpy, neurotic, erratic make-up. While it is true we may dislike association with them, and lose the free – and easy attitude which automatically makes for pleasant relations, we must nevertheless exert ourselves to overcome any repugnance and “go out” to them.

 Many centuries ago a great man said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Someone else advised, “Do not become agitated.” They are the same thing. You have heard that people do not get stomach ulcers because of what they eat. They get ulcers in the same way by allowing ourselves to become bored, irritated, negative, hurt, argumentative, and upset. Just like the familiar quip, that “a man’s body is remarkably sensitive… pat him on the back and his head swells.”

Read more in: Socyberty!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Louis G. LaMair Statement About Personality

Louis G. LaMair, President, American Music Conference, with the Penny-Owsley Music Company, Los Angeles.

 "Personality is the product of our native being, as it is molded and developed by the experiences and the influences we meet through life. When we are shunned by playmates after a fit of temper, we learn that temper doesn't pay. When generosity is repaid with the warm thanks of someone we like, we learn that it pays to be generous. 

But the wise person seeks for more than just the accidental and casual experiences that mold personality. He goes out of his way to find those things that mold a good personality...that leave one a bit stronger, a bit more capable of copping with the events of life.

Of all the personality-molders, music has always been one of the best. It brings to us the best thinking and feelings of history's most creative minds. It enables us to feel and to think the great noble thoughts these men had. Just by listening or by playing their notes for ourselves, we can enable our minds and our personalities to grow to their highest level - and to retain some of that growth.

let the music play (explored)
Music can be one of the most uplifting of all forces for molding personality. It is like a great bird that soars over a mountain top. It is free, and not limited by our everyday horizons. It becomes the spirit within us that fights the commonplace and the dull. It sings in our souls - and caresses our hearts. Sometimes it cries out within us with an ecstasy of joy and sometimes it is dark with sorrow. It is all of life as we live it or as we want it. And though it leaves us when we stop listening or playing, it is ever with us, for the whole thread of human experience runs through it!"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Strategy for Business

In business today, you should certainly go out of your way to get along with the people who work with you or for you. No matter what echelon you rate, the workers below you are entitled to your constant thoughtfulness and consideration. You never know when someone in your department or elsewhere will come up with ideas or suggestions that may be extremely valuable to you. But only if you make him feel that he may talk to you freely. That is where a good personality enters the picture and frequently decides the difference between good and bad human relations.

When you talk to a man, give him your full attention and consideration. When you listen to his ideas, put some smiling pleasantness and interest into your manner. When you shake  hands with a man, put some warmth, cordiality, and grip into the operation. Hardly anything so promptly lights the quick-burning fuse of a man’s resentment as to receive a hand clasp that has the vigor of an invalided kitten, the geniality of a drippy fog and the spirit of a cold buckwheat cake. Make your handshake human and you will make a human being out of yourself in the process.

Olga Basko, Business LinkFinally, when an employee comes to you with a complaint don’t listen with an attitude of bored resignation; put some human sympathy and understanding into your manner and let your kindly, genial, warm personality take over. Remember that, as the manager of the department  or the top executive of the business, it is your outstanding personality that has helped you to build up your reputation for fair dealing and sympathetic understanding.

If managers would only learn to listen more feelingly and sympathetically to their workers and associates, we would see much less concern over human relations and labor relations, in business today!

Read more: Today's Business.

Making An Enemy To Be A Friend

 You can get along with everyone. Wherever you go and whatever you do, people are just about the same. They are no more difficult to get along with in one business or in one place than another. Every individual has his own problems, his own worries, his own interests and desires. All you need to remember is that the art of getting along with people imposes some personal obligations on you. You cannot afford to lose your temper; you cannot be a gossiper or rumor-monger; you cannot pass the buck to others and evade your own responsibilities; you cannot overlook the little courtesies and kindnesses that lubricate your many daily contacts with human beings.
 If you will, you can make a friend of everyone. Even your enemy can be converted. He in particular must be converted, for an enemy can do more to harm you than half dozen friends can do to help you. A wise man once said, “The only safe and sure way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend.” And in the process of trying to convert him, you will see many of your own faults, too, thereby making it easier for you to make him like you.

Friends for ever <3

Don’t forget that the other fellow is just as important to himself as you are to yourself. Thus, you will learn to approach him and handle him in the same careful manner that you would handle yourself. Remember that you may never tamper with the dignity of another human being, any more than you would want him to afford you. All these things help you to develop a personality that is cheerful, likeable, and affable – a personality that is impervious to trouble.

Read complete article: Believe That YOU Can.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Budgeting Time Wisely

Budgeting time is good, really good! I been busy these past few days and I think a whole day isn’t enough for everything I do. If it’s only not bad for my health, I wouldn’t sleep at night.

So, I come up to an idea how to budget and spend my time wisely. I need to make a time table! Making a time table is good especially for those multi-tasker like me and for those who are in business. Actually, this is good for each and everyone of us! Time is gold for us to waste it, right?

  SO, I am showing my time table for an example!

7:00 – 7:30 AM
I badly need to have time for exercising.
7:30 – 8:00 AM
Updating Personal Blog
I got a blog that only me can read, and it is a must to update to EVERYDAY.
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Update More Blogs
Got few blogs alive, and it is also a must to update it as possible as I could.
9:00 – 10:30 AM
Meetings / OUT
I need to go out to cover some news/event for my Directory Website.
10:30 – 11: 30 AM
Editing reports/ SN/ Editing pictures/ EL/
I need to have time to edit my reports, SN, Pictures and email listing.
11:30 – 01:00 PM
Lunch break, unwinding, and time to think something to write some personal stuffs.
01:00 – 3:00 PM
Time for updating the directory website and daily reports to my boss.
03:00 – 08:00 PM
I got this interest in writing a Tagalog Novel, so I think I need a time to it everyday.

 *The schedule and time may interchange sometimes for some reasons!

 My time table shows some of my daily stuffs and a must! Actually, its not yet the whole thing I need to do everyday! There are still a lot!

I hope I have given you guys an idea how to manage your time and spend it wisely!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Does First Impression Lasts?

First impressions are an extremely important part of everyday contacts. The people you meet, the places you go, the things you do all through your life are affected by first impressions – of you or by you.

People or places that make an unfavorable impression on you are left in the background. If you create an unfavorable first impression on the other fellow, you are usually left in the background. The reason your first impression is so important is that you don’t always get a second opportunity to correct an unfortunate first impression. Therefore, it is important that you keep your best foot forward at all times, in order to be sure that you do create a favorable first impression in every instance.

Jack Schwartz of Los Angeles has an opinion about favorable impressions. He is the author of the book: “How to Get More Business by Telephone” and conductor of Telephone Sales Clinics in California, and is famous as an able insurance salesman.

"I once asked twenty-five people: “Tell me frankly how many times in ten do your first impressions of a person prove entirely wrong? Think this over carefully and don’t let your vanity of opinion dictate your reply.” The result: 22, which is 88%, said that their first impressions were rarely changed. This about corresponds to what most people would report. So take serious note. You are extremely foolish if you ignore the first impressions you make – socially, in business, in public work – in every department of life.

So impressed have I been by this fact that in my sales work I take extra pains with my first contact, which I always make by telephone. Every word, every inflection, every thought is studied from the angle of what first impression it will make on the person who has never met me before. The result is that in four out of five cases I am able to make an appointment to see this person and talk with him face to face. His reaction is favorable or he would not agree to this appointment.

My sales success, I am certain, is very heavily dependent on this first impression during which I must register:

1. Courtesy
2. Consideration
3. Interest
4. Personal magnetism
5. Sympathetic understanding of the person’s needs and desires.
6. Eagerness to be of service
7. Gracious manners
8. Attractive speech and personality
9. Reliability and responsibility
10. Sense of humor and balance

I have trained myself to transmit all of these to make an immediate good first impression that I could rely upon."

This articles is also seen on Bizcovering.

Friday, March 25, 2011


The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is illustrated by their reaction when given a doughnut. The optimist sees the doughnut and its tempting qualities, while the pessimist sees nothing but the hole.

Perseverance requires complete command of mind, of heart, and of hand in the accomplishment of a certain task. Are there obstacles on the way? You don’t mind them. You go on trying.

You have a duty to accomplish. You set about its accomplishment. You apply all your energy in the act. You are fully determined to do right and you carry out your purpose in the face of a strong temptation or opposition. Perseverance is an index of a strong character.

Read the following passage and learn its message.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Burton Hillis and Others on Whistling and Humming

Burton Hillis speaks of whistling as an outlet for the joy and peace that well in the heart. Moreover, he strongly believes that one who whistles cannot be harboring any meanness or malice deep in his heart. Whoever hears an angry person whistle?

Can we say the same of a girl who hums as she goes about her daily home chores? Or a man who, as he toils in the fields sings out a lusty merry tune?

What is the effect of the whistle on others who listen to him? The whistler passes on a message of good will and friendliness, and before long he, the listener, catches the spirit of joy and mirth.

Learning to whistle

Cheerfulness is something you should cultivate. With your heart full of the joy of living you help make the world a happy place in which to live. Henry Ward Beecher said: "A man without mirth is like a wagon without springs. He is jolted disagreeably by only pebble in the road."

George Elliot speaks of the futility of life that is not spent in making it less difficult for one another.

There is a need for the cultivation of cheerfulness. Try keeping a cheerful disposition and maintaining a calm unworried state of mind amidst adverse happenings and you will find yourself happily adjusted. What is more you will radiate a bright light around.

You maintain a cheerful disposition when, as you are bent over an unpleasant task for yourself or for someone who is unjustly and several critical, you keep toiling on with a smile and a will to succeed.

Cheerfulness does not mean boisterous laughter caused by dirty indecent stories. Vulgar jokes irritate rather than brighten your sensibility. Many stories in comic strips are not the kind that develop wholesome humor.

Try cultivating humor. Humor is the quality of action, speech, or writing which excites amusement. It means the faculty of seeing what is amusing. "Ask anyone knows and has experienced the lubricating effects of even a small joke in a household, humor has an element of juice. It keeps life from drying up, and gives to it living freshness and flavor."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cheerfulness and Optimism

“Men and boys don’t whistle the way they used to. In my days, every boy who amounted to anything was a whistler.”

“As a boy, I used to climb the town water tower and sit up there all by myself and whistle to the sky above me and to the world below me. A woman would start setting the table when she heard her man come whistling home, and she would listen for her son’s whistle if he was out after dark. I don’t say that whistling improved a man’s thinking or anything like that, but I do say you cannot be working up any mean thoughts when the words of some pretty tune are running through your head, while you whistle the air as fine and fancy as you can.”

-Burton Hillis

Read more here!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Looking Ahead for Growth

Those who gaze too much upon the past, who think too much about what might have been, are running something of the same risk as the driver who keeps his eyes upon the rearview mirror and is inattentive to the road ahead.

Experience is a great teacher; it is the road we have been over. But the wrecks in the rear aren't the ones we are now trying to avoid. It's the curves ahead that count now. Whatever mistakes we have made, our only way out is ahead. This is life's inflexible formula. What has been and might have been may well serve as a warning - but what may yet be is our first concern.

- Richard Evans

Growth scar

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Know Thyself

Your father has plans for you. He dreams of seeing you a civil engineer someday. He tells his friends of his big plans. He does not bother appraising your talents, the things you can do and like to do best. He has not taken the trouble of sizing up your weaknesses. Seeing your father set on the career he likes best for you, you, too. That he feel it is the right thing to do for you to have a better life.

Do you think this is a good start towards growth? Is it someone else who should determine what you will be in the future? What is the right thing to do?

“Know thyself,” said the philosopher Socrates of ancient times. Knowing yourself means knowing your talents, your likes and dislikes, what you can do and like to do best. It means examining the world about you, deciding what you must do to get what you want out of life, then listing down your plans to reach it.

This in essence is the next formula for growth: to know yourself, know what you want for your improvement, depending upon your capabilities.

The more aware you are of yourself, of your strength and your weakness, the more alive you become.

Is it important that you should grow? It is of utmost importance:

“All that we need to do,

Be we low or high,

Is to see that we grow

Nearer the sky”

-Lizzette Woodworth Reese

Read more here!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Improve Every Shining Hour

It is your job now to improve when you are young. What should you do to improve every shining hour?

clock and numbers
  1. Learn something new, something that was not yours yesterday. Store a new idea in your mind. Gather new and constructive ideas from your elders and let your mind be a storehouse. Of course, it takes a keen mind to determine what ideas are useful and what to discard because they are trash.
  2. Absorb new knowledge. Take your day's lessons as a source of new and rich information, of new experiences and new lessons in the right living.
  3. Acquire new skills - skills which will give you techniques in doing constructive work, skills which will minimize, if not entirely eliminate, waste and errors.
  4. Discover new sights, new sounds, new scents from your environment that will enrich your life and make living an entirely interesting experience.
  5. It is when you are young that you envision what you would wish to be in the future. Reading is the best preparation for a happy life ahead.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Simple Living

This term has become associated with President Ferdinand Marcos since his assumption of the highest position in the land. He has not only preached but he and his family have been practicing it. In what does simple living consist?

In the way of life of the present family, it consists in having daily simple meals consisting of two inexpensive courses and serving tasteful but in-extravagant dinners on special occasions. It is also manifested in the clothing habits of the President. Except on very rare occasions he wears simple short-sleeved shirts or "barongs."

The First Lady has cut down on the maintenance of the Malacañang Palace by dismissing unnecessary household help. She has cut down on entertainment activities in the Palace and initiated entertainments at minimum cost. Her wardrobe as compared with other prominent ladies in Philippine society is simple and inexpensive but chosen with an eye for beauty and dignity.

By practicing simple living our First Family is proving the beauty and joy of that trait for which our forefathers were well known: modesty and simplicity. Unfortunately, many of our youth today look upon simple living beyond their means in order to impress other people with their pretended affluence. For it cannot be denied that riches and comfort have become the goal of living of many in this materialistic age. This is the reason for much of the graft and corruption in our society. This is the reason why dishonest persons are held in high esteem just because they live in imposing mansions, ride in flashy cars, display jewelry, hold extravagant parties and make regular trips to foreign countries.

If Rizal were alive today he would call this love for show among our people as a social cancer. He would call upon the youth to fight it because they are still the "the hope of the Motherland."

How can youth help eradicate this cancer? Simple living, cutting down unnecessary expenses to the minimum, believing in modesty and simplicity as a virtue to be denied, developing simple habits in food, clothing and recreation, - all these are ways by which youth can contribute towards the development of a strong and contented citizenry.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pleasant Personalities

Here are qualities that make up a pleasant personality. Check your qualities against those given here. Which have you developed? Which have you not? How can you improve your own personality?

One of the most important factors upon which family happiness depends is the pleasant personality of its members. To maintain desirable social relations, each member of the family should cultivate desirable characteristics. affection, appreciation, cheerfulness, consideration for others, cooperation, courage, courtesy, generosity, gratitude, honesty, industry, initiative, loyalty, self-control, sociability, reverence, tact, and readiness to serve society are indispensable requirements of a pleasant personality.

Affection is the pillar of family life. Without it, the family cannot stand together, share family happiness or help one another in moments of grief.

Appreciation is the kind and pleasant way by which we manifest through oral expression or by action the approval of the deeds of others. Thoughtful and sincere appreciation inspires others to work for the good of himself and that of the group to which he belongs.

Cheerfulness in the family is the prevalence in it of joyful spirit and lightheartedness. When cheerfulness prevails, sunshine penetrates the walls of the home, and poverty and suffering become bearable.

Cooperation is the contribution of common efforts to carry on any activity. With it, the most difficult task becomes lighter and the most sorrowful feeling becomes bearable because a grateful person simply shows goodness for a favor received.

Honesty is a combination of truthfulness and sincerity. Honesty may be shown by word and action. Many dangers can be avoided and misfortunes prevented if boys and girls are honest in dealing with their parents.

A big number of young people do things which they conceal from their parents. For example, they may go outing or swimming but tell their parents that they will do research work in public libraries. When they go places without proper advice, misfortune might follow.

Loyalty refers to the constant love, fidelity, and faithfulness of a person to his friends or family. No home can endure long unless faithfulness and love characterize its atmosphere. A boy or girl owes it to his or her family to stand by it always. He or she should defend it and not do anything that might bring it dishonor.

Self-control means ability to remain calm in the face of unusual occurrences. Many troubles and difficulties can be prevented if we exercise sufficient self-restraint and think several times before we act or speak, especially when we are provoked.

Thrift is the secret of family security, happiness, and prosperity. What we save for a rainy day counts more than our actual income. In case of death or sickness, suffering is aggravated if there is no money to meet unusual expenses. All members of the family have the duty to cooperate in making some provision for possible future needs.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Enhancing Your Personality


“What can one small person like me do? I don’t count for much.”

This is the attitude of one who is still young and inexperienced.

But don’t underrate yourself. There’s something you can do, however small. You are a creature gifted with thought and imagination. You tell yourself: “What little I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.”

You challenge yourself this way and you cannot go on thinking of yourself as “small.”

Your daily labor will have meaning when you realize that as an individual you are meant for something important. Here are some questions that should ask yourself:

Why am I living?

What is expected of me?

What direction am I taking?

What do I want in life?

Take the first question, “Why am I living?” The answer is, because you are meant to accomplish a definite task in life. This task you alone can do.

“What is expected of me?” Right now your sacred duty is to prepare yourself for your assigned task. You start right now being a good member of your family, your school, and your community – obedient, cooperative, loyal, dutiful and diligent, kind and considerate to others.

Right now you are being trained for citizenship in the home, in the school, and in the community. If you are a good citizen in the home, you turn out a good citizen in the school, and then a good citizen in the community. In like manner, if you are an undisciplined member of the home, you become an undesirable member of the school, and later turn out a menace to the community. All the training that your home, your school and your community give are your preparation for a useful life ahead.

Knowing the answer to the second question, it is for you to reflect whether or not you are taking the right direction. Your answer to the third question is your own honest estimate of yourself. Are you heading for the right direction? Are you using your time in diligent study, or wasting it in useless or harmful pastime as gambling, drinking, and loafing?

The fourth question requires a deeper reflection to be able to answer. A young student cannot fully ascertain what his purpose in life is. He knows very little of the things that make life rich and beautiful and these are the things that he must strive to attain. But if you are making the right start you are headed for the realization of your dream.

“What do I want in life?” Is it to acquire wealth? Is it to get learning? Or be a leader in the affairs of man? A statesman perhaps? To attain physical perfection? As you study and gain experience you gradually form a definite image of what you want to be.

Working towards a definite goal is a noble aim. It gives your life meaning. You aim to rise from your present state. This is the meaning of enhancing your personality. You certainly want to be a respectable man or woman, honored for your achievements, loved for the contributions that you make to your country and people.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14. Personal Magnetism

Personal magnetism is a happy combination of personality traits and qualities that is well right irresistable. It is a quality of spirit that ties up all your good qualities with a dynamic current that sparks like electricity.

Read more about Personal Magnetism...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

13. Spiritual Values

A man endowed with high spiritual understanding naturally practices good ethics in his dealings with mankind. He has a good sense of the Golden Rule, and has his mind filled with religious, intellectual and cultural values. He does not necessarily carry the air of a tall encyclopedia, and yet he shines in conversation because of his wide knowledge of current human events and interesting topics under discussion. He is well stocked with gray matter. He is often referred to as spiritual, not because he is entirely religious but because his spiritual qualities are prominently in evidence.

In the words of Maltbie Babcock: Spirituality is best manifested on the ground, not in the air. To have bread excite thankfulness and a drink of water send the heart of God is better than sighs for unattainable. To plow a straight furrow on Monday or dust a room well on Tuesday or kiss a bumped head on Wednesday, is worth more than most ecstatic thrill under sunday eloquence. Spirituality is seeing God in common things, and showing God in common tasks.”

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12. Human Relations

Human relations in business involves getting along with people. The good human relations practitioner is the man with a sociable personality; he is not only a real human being himself, but he realizes that the average man appreciates being treated like a human being rather than a number. Humanity is about the same the world over; it is the peculiar disposition of a great mind to practice the Golden Rule and to develop a warm, friendly personality that attracts and bring people around to your way of thinking. The man aspiring to leadership should keep in mind the seven basic needs of the people around him:
  1. Recognition
  2. Satisfaction
  3. Earning opportunities
  4. Self-expression
  5. Opportunity to grow
  6. Income recognition
  7. Contribution to community service and the economy.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

11. Thinking Ability

Dare to think for yourself and you will become known as a constructive thinker. Think long enough constructively an you will advance to the status of creative thinker. The highest paid executives in business are the creative thinkers. Naturally, everyone thinks; but what he thinks, or how creatively and constructively he thinks, is something else again. The man with a thinking personality can digest a thought in his mind, running it round and round, until it turns mental some results and develops the ideas that lead to success. Learn to play a game with your thoughts; stretch your imaginations until your mind coild, and then you will take off in the direction you want to go.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10. Initiative

Initiative is the ability to develop original conception and independent action. It is one of the most dynamic words in the English language. The man with plenty of initiative becomes known as a self-starter. His entire personality becomes permeated with the ability to do things under his own steam, rather than wait for someone else to tell him when, where, how and what to do. As a result such a man develops a spirit within him that can accomplish miracles, and he develops a reputation for being able to charge his own personal storage battery. Man of this caliber are always at a premium in the business world-we can never have too many of them. Try it out yourself. When you are faced with a problem to be solved, don’t ask anyone else how to go about it; face the issues out of your own head and develop your own methods and techniques. You’ll find that you will become respected and admired, and you will develop a reputation for being a man with an enterprising personality.

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